onsdag 7. oktober 2009

Irland sa JA!

Fra bevegelsen Vote YES to the Lisbon Treaty gjengir vi følgende kommentar:


European Youth for an Irish YES have celebrated Ireland's tremendous vote of confidence in the Lisbon Treaty and in European integration as a whole following the exceptional result achieved on Saturday, October 2nd.67% of Irish people voted YES, with a 58% turnout - the highest on a European referendum in Ireland since the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. JEF-Europe canvassed for a YES vote on the streets of Dublin under its campaign network "European Youth for an Irish YES" gaining considerable media attention from media stations across Europe and the world. Commenting on the result, Toni Giugliano, Leader of European Youth for an Irish YES said:"This is not any ordinary yes vote. This is an earthquake result and its vibrations will be felt across all capitals of Europe! There is no doubt that this is a major vote of confidence in the European Union and the integration process as a whole.""Ireland has once again restored its confidence in the EU by voting overwhelmingly in favour of the Treaty. Few YES campaigners had predicted a two to one victory. The lies of the no campaign have clearly been exposed and didn't wash with the people of Ireland.""After years of No votes, rejections and having been told to think again so many times, the EU can finally take a breath of fresh air, move on and look to the future."Samuele Pii, President of JEF-Europe commented:"It was evident when campaigning through the streets of Dublin, that the Irish people wanted a stronger European Union that works for their interests. They simply realised that Ireland alone could not solve the many problems that Europe and indeed the planet currently face.""The people of Ireland were the only people of Europe to directly express themselves on the Treaty. It is now up to Poland and the Czech Republic to respect this vote and sign off the Treaty without delay.""The message could not be clearer for Klaus. The people have spoken, sign and shut up! Our campaign will go on until all countries in the EU have ratified the Lisbon Treaty and until this Treaty will have fully entered into force.""If Lisbon is signed off this year it would complete a 10 year cycle that began with the 1999 Cologne European Council with the prospect of reforming and democratising the EU's institutions and decision making process."Andrew Duff MEP, President of the Union of the European Federalists (UEF), added:"The Irish people have spoken loud and clear for more Europe. All those who wish Europe well rejoice. Now - at last - we go forward again!"

Det er tid for at Europa nå bruker sine muligheter. Foruten håpet om at liberalisten Klaus skal ta seg sammen er det imidlertid like viktig at Tory partiet i Storbritannia gjør slutt på sine Thatcherarv av euroskepsis og lar britene ta sin plass som medspiller i den europeiske utfordringen. Det er tegn på at Cameron gir opp sitt ønske om en folkeavstemning i UK om Lisboatraktaten. Men samtidig ønsker de konservative å fjerne elementer fra EU samarbeidet som betyr mest for innbyggerne, spesielt sosialpolitikk. De har åpenbart ikke fått med seg årsaken til at interessegruppene for de som opplever diskriminering og sosial eksklusjon ønsker seg MER EU - fordi det er EU som kan skape internasjonal solidaritet og antidiskriminering gjennom bindende lovgivning. Det er EU som har sikret tilgjengelige busser i Oslo, ikke Samferdselsdepartementet, bare for å ta ett eksempel. Ikke rart liberalistene er EU-motstandere..

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